Thursday, 28 February 2013

                      Patience for getting success in sadhana

Once Swami Vivekananda said : "Are great things ever done smoothly? Time, patience, and indomitable will must show" but we on other hand don't have it. The moment we complete the sadhana we want quick results we expect god to reveal himself or  to give us whatever we want just by repeating his name some lac times. This is not how things work in spiritual dimension !!!
The more you think of getting siddhi or occult power as soon as possible there are greater chance that you will fail. but does that means that we should abandon doing sadhana.... NO!!!!
When you do any sadhana have attitude that "Doing sadhana is my job and getting result isn't mine.Let the Sadguru give me success when he feels that its right for me to attain" . But some of you would say that if I'm suffering from chronic disease or poor financial problem how could I wait??
But dear brother this what "karma" is all about you have to face the situation in order to balance the previous bad karma you performed. In that situation prayer is the only way out, pray to Sadguru ,at that time also don't ask Sadgurudev to remove the disease or to get money pray that "Gurudev this what I am suffering from is because of my karma and I admit this punishment given to me by nature but please gurudev bless me that I could face these problems boldly please gurudev I am part of you please help me gurudev ".
Sri Sri Ravishankar once said :"Whatever you do with a peaceful and calm mind i.e without any want and desire you are sure to get success and you are not wasting you time but if you are doing any sadhana with a restless mind you will be wasting you time".
So don't be in a hurry to get success but just do your sadhana repeat it again and again and just wait.
A great saint once said that when you do japa with every repetition of mantra you bad karma are destroyed and after all you bad karma are destroyed you good karma will rise.  
Learning sadhana is like learning to tune a guitar, you cannot tune a guitar just by listening to sound of cords once or twice but only after you  have listened to the cord enough times and tried to practice it only then you will get success.
Secondly , you have to have faith in yourself first of all for getting success in any sadhana . It has been observed that many times a sadhak has faith in every devi-devta or deity and guru but don't have any faith on himself... how could you achieve success if you yourself don't feel worth for it as it is said that the power of mantra manifest itself in the form of your emotions and your thought. When you have a thought of that I will not be able to achieve success then this is what going to happen and I just don't believe in this statement I KNOW THIS this is how spiritual world is.
Swami Vivekananda once said: "Faith, faith, faith in ourselves, faith, faith in Guru---this is the secret of greatness. If you have faith in the three hundred and thirty millions of your mythological gods, and in all the Gods which foreigners have now and again introduced into your midst, and still have no faith in yourselves, and your guru there is no salvation for you. Have faith in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be strong; that is what we need."
You have cried to all the GODS IN THE WORLD. Has misery ceased? NO!!! because you had faith in them alone and not in yourself ...the gods come to help you when you have succeeded. So what is the use?
In Islam Allah himself asked all the angels to bow before men because we are his best creation and yet we feel pity for ourselves . Be bold Be strong and do something legendary so that world would remember us as our beloved sadguru Nikhileshwar bhagwan use to say.
Does having faith means that I should be overconfident surely the answer is NO. Here faith means that I am disciple of my guru who is lord Shiva himself and I am born form his aatman ,I'm a part of him what he can do I can also do , nothing is impossible for me because guru is with me " i.e have a attitude of servant to your guru and then do work feeling that he is always there to help me to do any ethical work.
Patience which is require in both spiritual and material world without this you cannot achieve anything. If a student study the whole year sincerely even then its not guarantee that he will score 100 % marks but should the student then leave his preparation or should the student try it once more.
But many of you will say its easy to say but the one suffering knows how painful it is. Yes you are right the person suffering knows how it feels but is there any other option left with us what good will we do to ourselves by abandoning the sadhana or is there any???
I have seen that the mantra start working on the very same day you receive the mantra but it takes time and patience to fully manifest the power of mantra.
Swami Brahmananda once said :"Perform you worship continuously for atleast 3 years without any break sincerely and then after that you have right to say anything about getting success. It take time to control your mind and manifest the power of mind through mantra. All power is within you your mind is your guru but only then when it has manifested its power through the grace of guru and the guru mantra".
Therefore always have a thought of your guru in your mind and try to serve him in any way you could.

May sadgurudev bless you with peace and success in sadhanas... :)

Jai Sadgurudev
Jai Nikhileshwar